Selected Projects

Snow White

Snow white is an interactive display that gives the viewer multiple perspectives on themselves through the use of optics, computer vision, and classic stage effects. It was built in 2014. Presented at PyOhio (2014) and The Rathskeller Club (2016).


As a midwesterner who moved to California, I found that I longed for the feeling of being immersed in a field of fireflies in the summer months. To share that feeling with others I built several hundred fireflies that now make their journeies around various special occasions. These custom embedded platforms mimic the patterns of droves of biological fireflies. Custom designed electronics ensure a low cost and easy fabrication. Featured at Frog Park, in Vespertine Circus' show "Hinge" and RSA Backdoor Party via Foma Labs

The Latitude Society - Interactive Storybook

This story book came to live as you opened it, via mutlimedia (animation and audible storytelling) and was implemented by implanting RFID tags into a book, and a reader into a podium. The story was projection-mapped onto the surface of the book to create a realistic effect and the entire system could be automated and remotely controlled to ensure a breathtaking experience for the viewer. Photo via Spencer McCall

Nebula - Biotech Explorer

A custom web application to show off how the distributed computing environment provided by the Nebula/OpenStack architecture could be employed with existing BioTech workflows.


I, with my brother Kasey via Kelly Creative Tech run a web management platform serving millions of pages a year for individuals and businesses of all sizes. Since 2007 we've continued to improve this hosted platform, which also runs the site you're currently seeing. We designed and implemented it and it does all sorts of things, like blogs, calendars, portfolios, ecommerce and corporate intranets.


Hoprocks is a full-size hopscotch game made of custom-fabricated illuminated rocks. The lights and music change as you play. This piece debuted at Figment Oakland in 2014 and has been seen around various locations.

Flaming Lotus Girls - Xylophage

I consuled on electronics and software and assisted with fabrication, build, and deployment of Xylophage in 2013. Photo via Micah

The Latitude Society - Quas' Gallery

As Director of Technology at Nonchalance I was a contributor on the designs, and created and implemented the technology of this unique experience. You entered a room and had a discussion with a mythical being (projection mapping video onto a statue). Your questions were mimiced onto the curved wall, and the room reacted to your feelings. Custom robotics dispensed a gift as a token of your time. Photo via Spencer McCall

The Latitude Society - The Alluvial Chamber

This room included a sandbox table with embedded cameras to deliver you an individualized photo set of your time. Over this 20 minute experience the entire beach-themed room would mimic the sights and sounds of a dawn, sunrise, midday, sunset, evening, and late night. It gave the impression of a compressed day and altered your perception of time. Photo via Spencer McCall


If that's not interesting to you maybe we can talk about...

  • Circuit Board Design
  • Web APIs and CLIs as User Interfaces
  • Reverse Engineering the Internet of Things
  • Business automation intranet apps
  • Autonomous Playground Installations
  • Large Scale Web Application Architecture
  • Computer Vision Hopscotch
  • Home workshop fabrication
  • Cabinetry
  • Comically tiny ice sculptures
  • CNC Vinyl cutting for signs, stencils and etchings

Issac Kelly