My Twitter Notebook is Open Source

My Twitter Notebook is now open source. I'd like to see what other people would do with it, given the opportunity.

It's hosted at github and the url is

My Twitter Notebook: The Story.

I'd like to start off by saying: I'm not an organized person. I get by pretty well with lists, but overall I don't plan things more than a week in advance, and I don't do a good job remembering things for more than a few days at a time. I decided that I ...


Task And Time Management

I'm tinkering with how to manage my tasks and my time.

I'd sort of like a system where I can name all of my tasks, and then sort out into a couple of different columns, really, a cross between rescue time, gmail, and tweetdeck, if that makes any sense.

Things that I'd like to be able to do:

  • Name a Project, and list the 'next task' as well as a list of all tasks associated with the project.
  • For any given task, I'd like to be able to have tags like 'location' 'waiting on' 'time ...


What does my app need to be successful...

Yesterday, on one of my favorite news sites, hacker news; Someone asked "What does my twitter app need to be successful in 8 days". It was in reference to a twitter mashup made for the two teams playing in the Super Bowl next weekend. You can see it here.
The responses were mostly negative, 'get a less obnixous design', 'solve a problem people have', 'cleveland isn't even in the superbowl'<--which you have to look pretty closely to even notice why this is criticism.

All of the criticism was unfounded. What exists is a niche ...


Site Design 2009

From Kasey, who can't keep his hands off of a design for more than 12 months given the opportunity, comes the new design, which I like a lot.

With that, I've added much more emphasis on my blog (its the homepage) utilized servee's display rule functionality to make it beautiful, and removed my resume (not looking for work...plenty happy with servee :)

What do you think?


Issac Kelly